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Remote Learning

Should your child need to work from home we have developed a remote learning plan which is as follows:

We have developed our remote learning to make it as flexible as possible for our families as we are aware of the many different situations our families are facing.

  • Communication will be through Class Dojo
  • Work will be uploaded either the night before or by 9.00 every morning
  • We provide up to 3 hours of work every day for EYFS and KS1 and 4 hours a day for KS2
  • We are following our usual Knowledge Rich curriculum
  • The offer is the same at school as at home
  • Work will be commented on as a group and individually if appropriate
  • Staff will respond to class dojo during working hours
  • Yours child’s teacher will contact them weekly to discuss their learning via telephone
  • All work your child produces is tracked.  We encourage all children to complete all the daily learning so they are ready to return to school.
  • Remote assessments will continue to take place
  • If your child has musical tuition they can still access this remotely (please contact your school office via class dojo)
  • Assemblies will take place where appropriate and uploaded to Dojo. Class shout outs will continue
  • Family challenges where the whole family can get involved in an activity
  • Tuition will take place where appropriate

Below is an overview of the work that we provide:

Nursery and Reception

  • English – Talk 4 Writing – activity with recording from the teacher where appropriate
  • Reading via Myon
  • Phonics – Ruth Miskin videos
  • Maths – recorded videos from White Rose where appropriate
  • Knowledge curriculum – with recording from the teacher where appropriate
  • PE – Joe Wicks
  • PSHE – 2 live zoom meetings 

Year 1-2

  • English – Talk 4 writing /reading –with recording from the teacher where appropriate
  • Reading via Myon
  • Phonics – Ruth Miskin videos
  • Maths – recorded videos from White Rose where appropriate
  • Knowledge curriculum - with recordings from the teacher where appropriate
  • PE – Joe Wicks
  • PSHE – 2 live zoom meetings per week

Year 3 - 6

  • English – Talk 4 writing/Reading – activity with recording from the teacher where appropriate
  • Reading via Myon/Accelerated reader
  • RWI spelling
  • Maths – recorded videos from White Rose where appropriate
  • Knowledge curriculum –with recordings from the teacher where appropriate
  • PE – Joe Wicks
  • PSHE – 2 live zoom meetings per week

If your child has Special Educational Needs you will be contacted by the Primary SENCo or Primary SENCo assistant on a weekly basis.

Different work will be set for pupil’s with an Education Health Care Plan and differentiated activities will be set for those children requiring extra support.

Parents should take a photo or upload the work into the designated folder on Class Dojo.

Any issues with regards to being able to access Class Dojo please contact the Headteacher.

  • Please communicate via Class Dojo if your child cannot complete the work that day giving the reason.
  • If the standard of work being submitted by the pupil is a concern then a phone call home will be made.
  • Where work is not complete and there has been no prior communication the procedure is:
Work not complete Action 
1st Day Message on Class Dojo
2nd Day Phone call home from class teacher
3rd Day Phone call home from a senior leader of the school
  • Where no contact is made via the weekly phone call or the above a home visit will take place.

Good Routines

We understand that during this time what is possible in one household regarding routine will be different to that of another.

  • Add additional short breaks during learning time if your child is finding concentrating for long periods difficult
  • Try to keep to a regular timetable
  • Include on the timetable all learning, free time, exercise, dinner, music lesson, etc this will aid your child’s focus for the day

Please contact your headteacher if you feel you need additional support.